Generation and Fee Recalculation Options
You can set the input parameters for the generation and fee recalculation processes in the Generation and Fee Recalculation section of the LLWR Processing screen.
You can set the input parameters by:

To set a course range as the input parameter:
Select the By Selection of Courses option.
In the From Course field, enter a course code, or click the Search button to display the Course Search window, where you can select the required course.
When you enter a course in the From Course field, it is automatically entered in the To Course field. If required, you can change the course in the To Course field to specify a wider range of courses.
- In the Course Start Date field, enter the start date for the course, or click the Calendar button to display the calendar where you can select the required date.
Select the Generation check box to create the required LLWR records for the learning activity, award, and HE datasets. In addition, learning programme records are created where the required records have not already been created (typically during the enrolment process).
You can deselect the Only consider enrolments flagged to be included in LLWR check box so the generation process is no longer restricted to enrolments that have been flagged as included in the LLWR return.
Select the Fee Recalculation check box to recalculate all fees for learners on the selected courses with learning programme records.

To set a learner as the input parameter:
Select the By Learner option.
- In the Learner field, enter a person code, or click the Search button to display the Learner Search window, where you can select the required learner.
Select the Generation check box to create the required LLWR records for the learning activity, award, and HE datasets. In addition, learning programme records are created where the required records have not already been created (typically during the enrolment process).
Select the Fee Recalculation check box to recalculate all fees for learners on the selected courses with learning programme records.
This process will recalculate the fee values for all learning programmes when the Excl Fee Recalc check box has not been selected on the Learning Programme Details window in Enrolments.